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We focus on using resources sensibly


Environmental awareness and sustainable thinking and acting are at the core of REMSGOLD. We don't think in terms of business years, but in generations. The awareness for long-term cooperations and partnerships, as well as the commitment to regional projects, are part of our self-conception.



together we create added value

It is time for us to act. We aim to actively combat the advancing plastic pollution of our oceans and promote a more conscious handling of natural resources. In collaboration with our partner CLEANHUB, we are committed to waste disposal in Indonesia, Cambodia, Tanzania, and India.


By 2024, we have already offset 2,000 kg of plastic, helping to remove plastic from the environment. This significantly contributes to transparency in collection efforts and supports the financing of the costly collection and recycling of various types of plastic.


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Co2 Emissions

Climate change poses the greatest challenge to humanity. The success of emission reductions depends significantly on the voluntary and consistent actions of businesses in industrialized countries. Therefore, we at REMSGOLD are also ready to take responsibility for the world we leave to our children and grandchildren.

Our basic idea is to shape climate protection beyond the immediate scope (Scope 1 and Scope 2).


Scope 1 includes emissions that are directly caused and controlled by our company. It encompasses emissions from energy sources at the site such as natural gas or heating oil, as well as our own fleet of vehicles. REMSGOLD is gradually transitioning its fleet to more environmentally friendly options. In 2023, a photovoltaic system was put into operation, and in 2024, a new heating system and the installation of heat pumps are planned.


Scope 2 includes indirect emissions caused by purchased electricity consumed by the company but not generated by it. Since 2010, REMSGOLD has been sourcing green electricity from hydropower. In packaging, we use recycled plastic bottles and FSC-certified cardboard with a recycling content of 80% recycled paper and partially with grass cardboard. In 2023, REMSGOLD had its corporate carbon footprint calculated and offset the emissions with compensation certificates.


The compensation was based on the greenhouse gas inventory conducted for the reporting year 2023, taking into account operational boundaries following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard: Scope 1, Scope 2, and upstream Scope 3 emissions excluding raw material procurement.

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We place great emphasis on environmentally conscious business practices. Did you know, for example, that REMSGOLD covers the majority of its energy needs with 100% green electricity from hydropower? Or that we set new environmental goals every year through our environmental statement?


Satisfied customers and sustainability are very important to us. The success of our efforts is evidenced by numerous product and company certifications.

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